Monday 8 August 2016

Heart Care

It was exactly 5 years back when my grandfather couldn’t return home from his routine morning walk. He never carried a mobile phone. He just had a habit of carrying a pocket diary with him having all the mandatory information like phone numbers etc. We got a call from a stranger; grandfather had collapsed just a few meters away from home. We rushed him to the doctor and he was put on ventilator. It was a heart attack. Doctors told he had a coronary Heart disease. He could survive for not more than 2 days. Very lovingly we called him ‘dadu’; it was very painful to see him leaving us.
It was a lesson learned a hard way. We could have been careful, if consulted a heart doctor and diagnosed his condition at a right time and got him treated for same. Medical science has indeed advanced a lot we just need to observe our body carefully and consult the doctor when needed.
A proper heart care is an index to a healthy life. Checkout below mentioned risk factors signs and symptoms.
Risk factors for heart diseases:-
Sedentary lifestyle
Smoking / substance abuse
Stress (Hurry and worry, not sharing emotions and feelings, excessive materialistic approach towards life etc.)
High Cholesterol (irregular diet, over weight)
High Blood Pressure
Diabetes / Insulin resistance
Family History
Warning Signs that should not be ignored:-
Chest discomfort – Feeling of Pain, tightness, pressure, pinching or burning (It can occur repeatedly during rest as well as during physical activity)
Nausea, indigestion, Heartburn or even stomach pain – Some may even vomit
Any pain starting from chest and radiating towards the left side of body – sometimes pain may radiate even to jaws with or without pain in chest.
Feeling of dizziness or light headedness – shortness of breath and discomfort
Getting exhausted easily, constant feeling of tiredness
Excessive snoring can be linked to unnecessary load on heart
Breaking into cold sweat
Prolonged cough with mucus
Swelling in feet, ankle or legs
Irregular heart beat – which happens at regular interval.
‘These signs may or may not link to cardiovascular disease but before getting late, it’s better to consult a heart doctor’.
Below are simple heart tips for a healthy life:-
Introduce yoga and meditation in your life – it is a miracle
Indulge in some hobby or any activity of your choice – take some time out for yourself
Eat healthy food- avoid junk or unhealthy fats – maintain ideal weight
Stop smoking or any substance abuse – join support or rehab groups
Get good sleep
Regular health screening – Manipal Hospital has a comprehensive panel and best amenities for heart care.
'Care for your heart before it's too late'


  1. This is an extremely useful article. Thank you for writing it.

  2. Very useful article. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Heart attacks are fairly common these days.
    We must care for our heart.
    Nicely shared, Swati.

    1. In spite of all available facilities, people get careless.
      Thanks Anita.

  4. Thanks for sharing this informative post,Swati! :)

  5. Some points we should all keep in mind. Even though we know some of these things, we don't really think about them much. We ought to. Thank you for the reminder.

    1. We need to observe and monitor our body carefully.
      Thanks dear :-)

  6. I can relate to the post & hence completely advocate the suggestive action

  7. Thanks a lot for information. Shanikrupaheartcare is the best hospital to cure all types of heart disease. Shanikrupaheartcare also helps to Avoid bypass surgery we are proving this treatments in Pune, India.
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  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

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  10. I agree.
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