Monday 18 July 2016

The Junk in our life

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These days we are hearing a lot about junk food and the related side effects. This ready to eat food, relishing our senses is no doubt dreadful for our overall health. Its regular consumption deteriorates our life beyond imagination. We all know this, we all realize this but still we are unable to give up. 

The Junk in our lives is eating us up. Other than this junk food there is one more category to this demon, the junk in our mind and lives. After days of efforts and some self help, I am able to throw most of the junk in my life. Here is the small list:-

I was able to free my mind of some unnecessary thoughts and emotions.

I have a better control on my level of anger, which mostly remained suppressed and used to feed on my peace of mind.

I am able to forgive people in a much better way for petty offences they do to me. (Forgetting is still to achieve).

I have stopped my unnecessary efforts to please people and make them happy. (We cannot make everyone happy).

I am learning to be more patient and relaxed. (There used to remain some sort of hurry, worry and rush in my thoughts, earlier I just tried in vain that even day to day task should complete with a blink of an eye) I can understand better now that each task would take its due course of time.

And I could achieve all this wisdom through:-

Reading - my long lost habit, which I have resumed now. Earlier my time would go to melancholy and feeling of lowness would overpower me. 

Meditation – I am still a learner but trust me it’s nothing less than a miracle.

Talking and sharing with friends - No matter how busy my schedule is I have to take time out for my friends.

Engaging myself in activities that foster positive thoughts like gardening, clicking photos, coloring and painting (shall share some soon).

Faith, Hope & Belief – in God and myself.

It is entirely up to us how we shape up our lives. Time never stops for anyone. Moments we lose now shall never come back. Stop comparing your journey with anybody else. Make most of your life. Never give up, be happy and keep smiling.


  1. Positivity begins with us. A very useful post.

  2. The first three points really keep me going. Being an introvert, the third point was not easy, but I keep on forcing myself to be more expressive and I have already started seeing positive results because of it.

    About hope, I prefer a pragmatic approach than an optimistic one and the same goes for my beliefs. A wonderful post

    1. Thanks Pranju.
      Even I am introvert and take time mixing with people, but with some close friends i just love to open my heart out.

  3. So beautiful and I believe every word. Some people are lucky enough to understand this as they mature into themselves and their lives. Sadly, some people don't allow themselves to ever get there. They don't realize that it is all within our own power and that there can be a flow, an ease to living life. It doesn't mean life is easy. It just means that when we allow our anxiety, depression and general negativity take over, we make it a million times harder for ourselves.

    1. You have said it well, our thoughts and understanding can make our life into what we want.It is within us. With our own capacity.
      Thanks for coming here. Do visit again.

  4. Great ideas! I like the comparison between junk food and junk thoughts.

  5. Beautiful post dear. Reading, meditation, singing, painting and spending time with friends make life so much peaceful and beautiful :)

  6. Positive article to overcome this junk world.

  7. So nice. You really seem to be working on becoming a better person. Stay positive. Stay happy.
    And have a beautiful week, Swati. :)

    1. Trying to improve and refine my thought process. Thanks for appreciating. :-)

  8. I agree. We should start throwing away the junks from our lives, a cumulative approach can make the world a better place.
    I've acquired a lot of control on my anger and for me too, forgiving is there, but not forgetting... :-P

    A very positive post... :-)

    1. Throwing away junk helps in clearing venues for more better thinking.
      Forgetting gets difficult most of the times.
      Thanks for appreciating :-)

  9. Very true. :-) Cleansing the mind of negativity helps to let go of the junk that burdens us. I could relate to the first and the third ways to do that... for I read a lot and talk a lot too. :D

    1. Thanks Leo. Ones negativity is out of our lives we will be able to understand and think in a better way.

  10. So true that comparison is the thief of joy. We all need to get this junk out of our minds in the same way we get the junk food out of our bodies when getting healthy.

    1. Yes, we need to throw away all sorts of junk from our lives.

  11. Just by thinking positive we can make our lives much better. Happy for you ☺️

    1. Thinking well and in a positive direction can make life much better.
      Thanks Alok :-)

  12. This is such a nice read. Junk in any form should be kicked out of our lives. I am back to reading. Friends are still far away, time zone wise. If you are interested, I do this exercise where I ask myself about my fears and problems. I acknowledge the presence of problems and accept the fact that I can't have control over all of it. It brings peace and helps me to embrace the difficulties with grace.

    1. Thanks a lot Saru. This exercise is a great self help. In spite of running away from our worries, acknowledge them identify the best way out, is really peaceful.
