Friday 20 May 2016

Laundry Goes Odd Even

Gone are the times when household work used to be only women’s department. Now is the time when both the partner shoulders equal responsibility, is it home chores, office job or anything. Things are on way towards a much needed change, though it is going to take many more years until we make a better society for women as well as men, but at least things have started working in a favorable direction.

Awareness is always a keyword. And I really appreciate Ariel for doing their part in spreading such a nice message through their campaign.  I have seen many household where men even don’t bother to collect the dried clothes from outside after a wash. There is a lot of ego and attitude problem in our society and it really needs a change. Sharing a caring are the fundamentals of life.

What we teach our kids now; they are going to carry it and practice forever. In our home, my husband is my partner in true sense. We share all the work equally. And when it comes to laundry, we both are support to each other. He never ever made me realize that washing is only female task.

In fact we both follow a typical odd and even mode of working with laundry. Hold on we don’t follow odd and even dates of calendar but we do it as per our convenience. It is all about supporting and respecting each one. It is simple if I feel worn out; tired he would do the laundry. And none of us ever take undue advantage of this side.  There are times when I want to get up late, lazy around, read newspaper till long or go for a long morning walks, laundry is done by husband. And sometimes I would surprise him with washed clothes hanging in the balcony before his wakes up or whenever he has long working hours and feels tired. Laundry or kitchen duties are both done by us; it’s nobody’s sole responsibility.

This is the kind of understanding we have developed in these three years. It’s not that we never fight and things are goody – goody all times. We share some very sweet and sour as well as some bitter moments, and so is life.

'I am taking part in the #LaundryGoesOddEven Challenge by Ariel India at BlogAdda.'

Sunday 15 May 2016

The heart listens to no one…

The heart listens to no one is a beautiful collection of love poems by Purba Chakraborty. Love, Longing, Romance, Fond Reminisces, Separation are the beautiful harmonies of life.
By its own right the heart listens to no one but hums its own song which has a melody to entice even the most careless and indifferent fellow. Love knows no boundaries. It is a pleasure supreme and indulgence delightful.

Desert and Rain

The very first time you caressed me,
I surrendered myself hopelessly to you;
You became my soothing healer
 I became your wistful lover.
 Not for days and months,
 But even after eons and ages
The saga of our love continues…….

The book is a compilation of 35 poems dedicated to the sweet sounding, sweet toned feeling called love. The expression, the words exudes charm and pleasure. It is a treat reading the poems. It makes you dive deep into the depth of joys unknown.

A dozen love letters

We looked into
Each other’s eyes
For a few lazy minutes;
As I blinked,
I felt as if
We have exchanged
At least a dozen love letters.

The poems for sure will take the readers in the most melodious journey of discovering love. It resonates with the theme of our heart. For those in love, they will admire the reflection of their own heart while reading the poems one by one. And for those yet to identify love will long for it more.

Going with the theme of the book, the poetry has a unique flow; the words are like music to ears. The lines are so well-crafted, embracing the expression that makes it easy to comprehend. To summarize I would say that these poems by Purba Chakraborty are food for our heart and soul so it’s a must read. Grab your copy now.

Tuesday 10 May 2016

‘Are you creating poison within you or the fragrance of the Divine? This is a choice’

Top Post on IndiBlogger

Ray of Hope
Fear, despondency, insecurities, anger are the real slow poisons, which lead to certain irreversible damages within the mind. Hope and faith are the divine fragrance which makes our life worth living.

Since past few months I have been really disturbed hearing news of suicides. Kids, students, young men and women, nobody is spared from this menace. What goes in the mind of people who commit such act remains unexplainable. Ending one’s life is not an easy task. Their mind must be burdened with some heavy turmoil that makes them over reactive and impulsive.

For these kids who commit suicide due to failure in entrance or board exams, failure in relationships or career, isn’t their life a beautiful gift of God, as we often read? Are failures meant to end one’s life? It cannot be a matter of destiny. God never wants that we kill ourselves out of cowardice. 

Success and failures will continue to happen in everyone’s life. Sometimes one is more than the other. It’s not a big deal; we have to live with it. Talking about my personal life, there were many instances when distress completely got hold of me, with no hope of sunshine. When finishing off with life was the only solution I could imagine but somewhere inside a small beam of faith always winked at me. And that remained my guiding light no matter how much dim it was.

Being competitive with high dreams is never a wrong thing, but parents need to be very supportive towards kids, keep them grounded.  Make them know that success and failure go hand in hand. Failures never means end of life. Life often brings best surprises; you just need to be positive and willing to embrace goodness. Keep your karma in right direction.  Never be disappointed just keep up your hard work with productive intentions. Have good reliable friends, talk about your problems, talk with your parents, teachers and join support groups but do not suffer in silence.  Invest your time in a hobby or something that makes you happy.  Never brood in solitude.

I know certain things are easy to preach and difficult to practice. ‘Only the bearer knows where the shoe pinches’, to it I would just say change your shoe or apply antiseptic on your feet, but never cut the feet off.  

‘Are you creating poison within you or the fragrance of the Divine? This is a choice’  

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