Thursday, 9 July 2015

Good Health

The times are changing, technology is advancing fast, and newer innovations are making our life simpler and easier. Amid the Hi - tech life we lead, the thing most compromised in our schedule is eating a healthy diet. Now what is the healthy diet- It is taking up a nutritious meal having sufficient essential nutrients, which include vitamins, proteins, essential amino acids, calories, calcium, fluid etc.

How many of us are taking up a healthy wholesome breakfast? How many of us eat fruits daily? Are we taking sufficient amount of water daily? The answers we know are mostly negative. We work hard day and night, after a tiring day in the office we try to give in our hundred percent at homes. But why do we all ignore the most important aspect of our lives that is our health. Recently due to stressful routine and late working hours, I noticed that every day I was missing my breakfast. My health deteriorated I felt low and was having headaches very day. My working output decreased and targets remained unfulfilled. This is my personal experience; there is no substitute to a healthy balanced diet. To be most productive and happy we need to take proper meals. Include green vegetable, fruits, whole grains, legumes and dairy products on regular basis in your diet. Avoid junk food as much as you can. In fact eating a healthy balanced diet helps keeping weight under control, it improves our immunity, we remain energetic and our spirits remain high. It keeps our mood positive.

Crash diets are very harmful for our body. If continued for longer duration it can lead to serious problems in future. No doubt, crash diets results in rapid weight loss as eating less and limited will allow body to burn up stored calories, but these diets results in nutritional deficiencies. If we do not take sufficient nutrients in our diet various health concerns may come up like – lowness, depression, irritability, anxiety, pain in joints due to calcium deficiency, dull skin, hair loss, menstrual problems, and unnecessary metabolic changes. It may even lead to disordered eating habits like anorexia or bulimia. 

The best way to start your day this summer- is a spoonful of Dabur Honey with a glass of warm water. Honey Diet has a lot of goodness like weight management, sugar substitute, a good source of energy, it nourishes skin, a remedy for cold and cough and it even helps with digestion. Dabur Honey can be added to various snacks, beverages and deserts making up a healthy honey diet.

This life is a gift of God, why not live it in a proper way, respect your body and its need. Eat wisely and never starve yourself, depriving yourself of necessary nutrients will do more harm than good. To remain fit and healthy one should eat healthy food and do regular exercise. Accept your body type, be happy, be creative and take up yoga lessons. This is the best mantra for a good life.



  1. I swear by honey too. I use it very often at home and especially give it to my children.

    1. Honey, no doubt is one such pure bliss for health.
      Thanks for reading the post :-)

  2. Its been years since I had breakfast.... am so lazy in the mornings Swati... but I do manage to eat a healthy diet otherwise... and honey is always a part of it... :)

    1. Oh, breakfast is must Archana, and I must say you look awesome in your pics, thanks to the healthy diet. :-)

  3. I love honey especially in lemon tea....that is a nice article

  4. Honey indeed has great benefits, grandmas are a proof :)

    1. You are right Alok, initially I used to hate honey but its because of my nani its now regular in my house.
